Saturday, February 4, 2012

Myth Busters - Standing Egg on CNY Lichun 4/2 and 5/2/2012

Lichun signifies the first day of spring in Chinese Culture and for year 2012 was fall on 4th Feb 2012 evening Malaysian time, the acurate time i am not too sure, this got to google search from those Feng Sui master then...hehe, well, i am glad that found out the myth busters for this year from my blogger fren "The Egg can stand on the floor tile, table ...etc during this Lichun !" Its really amaze me as this is the 1st time i get to know that Egg can stand by itself on the floor, table without any holder ? And was there any meaning of it ... with the curiousity i google search and get the answer as below ... one of it was from the blogger friends ...believe it or not ? Try it yourself and have fun .... >.<

1) amaze and surprise your friend ...
2) have fun activity with family members ...
3) and WOW ... i think this is the best one ...hehe... some people saying that if
you can balance an egg on the Lichun day than wealth will come to you during
the year ...yeah ! I did it and my friend , my blogger friend too ... thanks
to my blogger friends sharing ...

(P/S : the egg in my house was still standing strong till now while i am writing the blog ...amazing !!!)

Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni ... Gong Xi Fatt Cai ...

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